Monday 11 August 2014

Aveeno Skin Relief Moisturising Lotion

Apologies for the poor quality photo/mood lighting. This was taken at night under the light of a single candle. (Are you swooning yet? I bet you're swooning.)

This stuff really is the shit. It's my disgusting, scaly, reptilian face's BFF, and I couldn't live without it. Proper desert island product, this. If my skin is having a tantrum - be it facial or bodily - then I can just slather this nectar of the Gods on and it'll calm down immediately, and will be fully placid and docile by bedtime. It has, like, 5 ingredients (might be backwards exaggerating, but you get me), and no perfume, so there's such a slim chance you'll get any kind of reaction from it. Hell, I get this stuff in my eyeballs all the time and I'm still alive to tell the tale (with no tears, might I add).

It's so cost effective as it's pretty cheap, a little goes a long way, and it comes in big tubes and pump bottles (if you're into that sort of thing). It's meant to be a body moisturiser, but I use it on my face because it's so gentle and non-comodegenic, so it doesn't break me out. While it's quite a thick moisturiser, it's not at all greasy, and sinks in very quickly. I will point out, however, that it leaves a weird, sort of tacky feeling. I don't find it unpleasant, but it's not great for applying makeup over.

I prefer to use this, then put another moisturiser (usually whatever I'm trying at the time) over the top if I'm going to wear makeup, so I get the hydration from Aveeno, and then the texture of whatever the other moisturiser is. Absolutely great for night use, or for when you're not getting ready straight away.

Definitely a product I will continue to use for a long time. Currently the only moisturiser that I use every day without fail.

Consistency: Quite thick, but not greasy. I have a feeling that's due to it being more water-based than oil-based? I'm not 100% sure though.
Sensitive Skin Suitability: 5/5 no reactions whatsoever, can use it on my nastiest eczema flare-ups, and it actually calms them down
Price: Usually around £5.50, but often on offer
Overall Rating: 9.5/10. Half a point taken off because I don't like the feel of applying makeup over it straight away.

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